Thursday 23 August 2018

Wednesday 22nd August 2018

Jools has been up half the night, and looks like crap. But she has interviews to do, she says. So after some juice for breakfast and a shower, she is off to work leaving me at home. And I feel a bit of a fraud as I don't feel that bad, but again after a shower I was suffering from overheating again. So I sit out on the patio to cool down, and am treated with the world of nature all around, the stuff we normally miss in our busy lives. Butterflies, bees and birds. A magpie was trying to get at one of the fat-filled coconuts we hung in a bush. He wasn't giving up.

I have said many times that days working from home hardly vary, and this is indeed the case.

I start with opening Outlook and looking at the landslide of mails, then deal with those before looking at what it was I had actually planned to do that day. Sometimes the mails and follow up calls can last until the afternoon and all your energy is gone before you start on the tasks of the day.

There is always tomorrow.

Once the day is done, or I am, I pack up and go to mow the back garden. I know, second time this year; madness, but thanks to the rains we have had, the grass had begun to grow, and so best keep it under control under meadow season begins next spring.

Two hundred and thirty four I avoid the wild plant plugs that Jools had planted, and do the rest of the lawn. And, even if I say so, at the end of the afternoon, the back garden looks a picture. And a fine looking one at that.

Back inside, so I prepare dinner; pasta salad and aubergine, as you do, because, because its summer. And is delicious.

Jools comes back home, looks washed out, but feeling better, well enough to have some decent scran, though she avoids cider.

I don't avoid wine, which might explain at half seven I go to lay down on the sofa.

Two hours later, Jools wakes me up and says its time for bed, so for the first time In years, I go to bed not knowing if Norwich had won.

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