Friday 31 August 2018

Thursday 30th August 2018

We have reached Thursday.

And nearly the end of the summer. For the past week there has been a chill in the air, meaning that other than that really cold day, a couple of other times we have toyed with the idea of putting the heating on.

But didn't.

It is a typical working from home day.

Old Lady Mormo maura Get up, drink coffee.

Jools gets ready for work.

I drink more coffee,

She leaves, I have breakfast, get dressed and prepare for the working day, during which I already have eight hours work and meetings planned.

And at eight, off we go. I go.

And by five past, I have lost my enthusiasm. As usual.

At then I have lunch. And some fruit at half twelve.

And more working.

Two hundred and forty one I am done by half three, especially as a huge migraine struck meaning I had to sit with my eyes closed on the sofa in silence until the flashing lights ebbed away. No point in trying to work, as that would just bring another one on, so I press on off button to force the computer to power down, and I go for a walk.

Just over the fields to the butterfly copse, to see what was on the wing. Not much as it turned out, but I can stretch my legs, get some sunlight on my skin and fresh air in my lungs.

At the copse I could see dark clouds gathering, so I make my way home quickly, and so just miss a heavy shower.

Storm clouds For dinner we have steak and ale pie, road tatties and steamed veg, and the rest of the gravy from the weekend roast.


And that was your Thursday, we watch some TV before I lay on bed from nine trying to stay awake to listen to Burnley in Europe. I make it, they don't.

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