Wednesday 22 August 2018

Tuesday 21st August 2018

Thanks to Facebook's feature to remind you of what you were doing in year's gone by, I realised that a year before, Jools and I were in a semi-desert in the middle of Wyoming waiting for the "Great American Eclipse" to start. I have to say, that this was one of the best days that Jools and I had together, as not only was the eclipse wonderful; it was, but the fact that to be there had been the result of a year's planning and saving. And it worked perfectly, and so found ourselves over a mile in the air in the desert, looking at clear blue skies waiting for the great show in the sky to begin.

Two hundred and thirty two Anyway, back to the shitstorm that is 2018, rather than the golden days of 2017.


I slept well, but woke up aching all over like I had been hit by a bus. Not quite sure if this was in improvement. Or not.

But it did mean I could work. Or rather, to be honest, I could't afford to take any more time off as I was already behind in terms of the overflowing Outlook in box. But that's another story.

Harvest time at St Margaret's Jools is excited, as she is staring the interviews for the employment of her very own assistant; I thought that was me? Anyway.

Comma Polygonia c-album ssp. c-album f. hutchinsoni I have a shower, and find that I was unable to cool down, despite being out of the bathroom for half an hour, seems that whatever laid me low, was still there. But I do cool down.

Comma Polygonia c-album ssp. c-album f. hutchinsoni I sigh and power up the lap and begin work.

I won't bore you with the details of the day, just the usual stuff.

Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus But come four in the afternoon, I looked at my smart watch and it stared I had done less than 500 steps, so I grab my camera and go out for a quick walk, just over the fields to the butterfly glade, but that would be enough.

Indeed, once back I felk 500% better, showing that a little phy is good. Probably a lot of phys is better, but, you know, baby steps.

Common Darter Sympetrum striolatum THe final two fields around us had just been harvested, and the farmer was forking the bales onto a trailer ready to take to the farm for storage, but there were enough to make pretty photos with.

Wasp Spider Argiope bruennichi Further along where the footpath goes behind some houses, there were a few butterflies, mostly Commas and Holly Blues, and further along in the glade there were Peacocks, Red Admirals, Common Blues and a Brown Argus. But due to the overgrown nature of the glade, I couldn't get close enough to snap them, instead made do with taking a few shots of the largest wasp spider I have seen, larger than a 50p piece.

I walk back home so I can cook dinner.

But as it turned out, Jools arrived home not feeling to well, and soon was taking up residence in the smallest room, before taking to her bed at eight in the evening.

So, a bit of a downbeat day....

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