Sunday 10 July 2022

A nest of vipers

On Thursday morning, Johnson announced he was, in fact, resigning.

He made a statement in which he failed to appologise.

For anything.

He also failed to mention he was resigning, which got some people thinking he would try to change his mind.

But he can't.

The process to replace his is under way, with more an more of his cabinet joining the contest to be Party leader.

All sort of shit is being thrown about by each other.

This is the contest where all contestants will try to smear each other, and destroy each others political careers.

A kind of Battle Royale for twats.

Remember, each one of them was happy to serve under Johnson, for at least two and a half years, and few are saying any of the policies they would reverse, so it will be more of the same, maybe with fewer lies.

The Attourney General is saying she would abolish the UK's participation in the ECHR, which is a shame as the GFA demands we are a part of it, so when she also says she will defend the Union, one of those statements is a lie, or she is too stupid to realise the consequences.

For the time being, we shall sit back and watch as they smear each other, and see who will remain standing.

Survival of the shittiest.

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