Thursday 7 July 2022

Useful idiots

Useful idiots is the phrase used to describe those group of people: farmers, fishermen, the public, lied to and given false promises to ensure they backed the vote to leave the EU.

I am using it to describe every Minister, aide, newspaper editor and lickspittle that has backed Johnson despite knowing exactly what he was like.

For 51 ministers of all levels to resign in 36 hours mans that they were happy serving under a Johnson leadership, while it served their career and political needs. To resign now is purely to protect them further from the Johnson poison.

Newspapers and tier editors have covered for Johnson, the Sun, Express and Mail did today, with the Mail leading in banner headlines "Boris stares down the mutiny". Page after page of praise for Johnson's unconstitutional behaviour, and pointing the finger and blame at.....


Yes, its all our fault.


The vote of confidence a few weeks back was won because of the huge numbers of Government Ministers who voted the confidence. Apparently a lot must have changed since then for them to now have no confidence. Johnson has not changed, he has even been thus, and people were happy to go along with it and him because it suited them.

The cannot be allowed to come out of the sewer and complain about the smell when they have been rolling in his shit for three years.

You might be useful idiots, but don't take us to be the same.

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