Wednesday 6 July 2022

Tuesday 5th July 2022

Day two of the working week, and I have tasks to fill up my time for all four days.

Just as long as there isn't a political crisis in the meantime to distract me.....

I have to tell you there are some trips to look forward to in the next three weeks:

1. A day trip to that fine city, Norwich.

2. A long day trip to a gypsum mine

3. A long trip to see some Irish orchids in Wales.

As you do.

More of those later in the month, but for now, not much to report.

Now I am back home from my travels, the day is pretty much set with getting up, have coffee, have shower, work for eight hours, pack away. Procrastinate, make dinner, eat.

And that was the case on Tuesday too.

The day began with lots of sunshine, but soon clouded over, so I wasn't tempted to go for a walk or stalk the garden for butterflies.

My old boss is ndeed being moved on. Comes as no surprise, but its his decision, and so we wish him well. Tere is to be further reorganisation, but details are for another day, as so is our approval or otherwise.

One hundred and eighty six The new boss was talking away, and my mind began drifting, and then he said my name. Three times.


Apparently I have been saying stuff in meetings and making sense. I promise never to let that happen again

. Donner is breaded chicken, stir fry and crispy noodles. Light and yummy.

For the second day I avoid wine.

Which is nice.

And there we have it.

Another day gone, not much achieved, but I live to fight and moan another day.

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