Saturday 9 July 2022

Friday 8th July 2022

Last day of the week, and work has rewarded me with 7 hours of meetings in eight hours.

I must be special.

Because we have things planned for the weekend, and Jools is recovering from an achiles tendon injury meaning she can't do yoga, she goes shopping first thing. I get up as she leaves, so before coffee. Before coffee, mind. I empty both kitty litter trays and put out the bings and garden waste.

Then I have coffee and check the interwebs.

Set up the office and in fact log on at quarter to seven and answere some mails before Jools returns with shopping, which I help put away, before I have to plunge into the first meeting. Jools says goodbye, queietly, as I launch into another stream of concious quality speak that much come from some closed off area of my brain, as it sounds, to me, I know what I'm talking about.

I have a meeting with my soon to be ex-boss's boss, my ultimate boss, and I explain how I see things, and I raise issues he had not thought of. All good really.

Next was the new department social, which I was procastrinating in, when Jorg, my soon to be ex-boss's boss, mentioned my name. Three times.


Now awake. What did he say, and was it good?

Apparently it made an impression, which could be good. Or bad.

Next up was a meeting where to warring parties were both invited to end four months of argueing. It has been put off multiple times over the last three weeks, and I was dreading it. But it went OK. Not perfect, but close.

One hundred and eighty nine I was on a roll.

Four out of five travel expenses were accepted. But the 5th wasn't.


Two final meetings: bth on updates to projects. First one went OK, the second dragged, but at the end, Mark said. OK, that's enough, let the weekend begin.

A start the weekend walk It was two in the afternoon, I was too tired to argue.

I logged off.

The day was hot, as promised.

I had slept poorly, and then non-stop work.

I waited for Jools to come back from having her haircut once work was done, then made a coffee and we had an ice cream. Sitting on the patio.

A start the weekend walk Nice.

Jools then had physio, so I went for a walk.

It had been a while.

Up Station Road all the way to the top of the down, and along the track to the start of Windy Ridge wood, and as that side would be in shadow, cut down back to Collingwood and to home.

A start the weekend walk I saw lots of butterflies: Common Blues, a single Small Copper, lots of Comma and Large White, a Wall and maybe a Painted Lady.

I snapped flowers too, with Field Scabious visible everywhere. Blackberries are starting to ripen too!

A start the weekend walk Autumn is coming.

I walk back home to have a shower and cool down before the music quiz.

I jump in with what I thought was a reasonable guess, but was way off. Nt Bruce Springsteen, it was Siouxsie and the Banshees.

Not even close.

Then to Jen's.

She came home on Wednesday, with Sylv, and we were invited for supper. Sylv made lasagne which did lay heavy and caused indegestion in the night.

But great to see her and Jen.

Home, for Jen, now seems to be here in Dover. As long as she's happy. We eat, play half a game of meld, then we come home, as we had a very early start in the morning.

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