Friday 15 March 2024

Election extinction

After Johnson won the last election in 2019, I wrote at how odd it was he fought so hard to keep it when partygate happened, despite he having no clear skillset that made him suitable to be Prime Minister, not inclined to learning those skills, or dedicating the time and attention needed to be an effective PM.

He was follower by Liz Truss, who did something remarkable, in that she was a worse PM than Johnson was. She did only last, what, 37 days as PM, and fourteen of those the country closed down due to the death of the Queen. Truss did not have the ability to communicate, have the skills to be PM, be convinced she needed the skills and unid the checks and balances of State that enabled her and her Chancelor to push through their mini budget, with unfunded tax cuts that so spooked the markets.

She was in turn replaced by Sunak.Another politician promoted beyond his abilities, not having the skills or life experiences to be able to understand what life is like for the poor. Let us not forget his did not know how to pay for fuel in garage, had to be shown hw his swipe card works, and whose wife's family still trades in Russia and will be expempt tax even though the great unwashed are not.

All three lead a party that now cannot be lead, spit into factions, each has learned that with 30 MOs voting with the opposition, any meaningful bill or policy can be voted down, or threatened with being voted down. Thus winning concessions, and yet still wanting more and more, and still complain about it.

I also wrote if we would in the not too distant future mourn the stable days of May's time as PM, spread over the hung Parliament wracked with meaningless meaningful votes on Brexit. May had her faults, but she was a titan compared to those who followed.

And when the time comes, either next week, next month or next year to replace Sunak, what dregs will they appoint to lead the party. How hard will they have to scrape the bottom of the barrel of talent that is the modern Cnonservative Party.

It is now spooked by the bastard offspring of UKIP, The Reform Party, so lurching to the right to avoid defeat by UKIP now leaves them considering a further luch to negate the apparent threat by 30p and Reform. Its all pointless, as they will always want more, and what they do get is never enough, nor extreme enough to have been the "true" Brexit or immigration control.

Previous Conservative PMs were David Cameron, whose failure to confont the headbangers lead to him promising the referendum, then walking out when he lost. And before that it was John Major, who oversaw the largest landslide Labour victory in 1997. Before him was Thatcher, who despite her legion faults, had the clarity of vision to deliver her policies to lay waste to the UK's nationalised heavy industries, and convert the UK economy to Service.

Which Brexit then undermind.

So, what does the modern Conservative Party stand for, other than trying to out-racist Reform? Who under the age of 60 will vote for them, thanks to the loss of freedom of movement and the demonisation of what they call "woke". The country is swimming in sewage, the NHS, railways, Justice systemand much more is on its knees after a decade of austerity, and HUnt's recipe for the Nation is more austerity, cuts tot he NHS and Justice.

And cuts to the Armed Forces, just as Trump threatens to end support for Ukraine if he winds the US election, then there will bo nothing to stop Russia from threatening more of Nato, what a time to cut even more defence spending. For tax cuts for the already rich.

And yet the Conservatives want to win the election, despite all of the failures overseen in the last 14 years. Maybe there is still some family silver they have yet to pawn off to their mates.

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