Tuesday 26 March 2024

Monday 25th March 2024

And so, back to work.

And those of you keeping track will notice that Jools should have had the day off, but was going to work due to personal reasons for Donna.

Meaning, from quarter to seven, it was me and the cats. And as a treat this week, I had to review a contract for a potential audit.

This kind of job suits me, as well as enjoying the detail, I have seven years experience in working with such contracts. So, could the pedant find any conflicts?

Three cats Does the Pope defecate in wooded areas?

He shoots, he scores!

I download the contract and stunned to find it contained some 2960 pages of legalspeak.

Poppy I had better have another coffee to gird my loins.

And so, the day passed with me reading, taking notes.

Drinking coffee.

After a weekend of eating mainly carbs, the plan was to have a fruitful day. However, there was these two lemons left over.

So, I made pasta a limone, and made it with some extra lemon zest and juice, and what a fine lunch it made. I had pondered adding some limoncello to add depth of flavour, but not a good idea as I had several hours of reviewing left to do.

Pulsatilla vulgaris I worked through to half four, and thought I was about halfway through the schedules I wanted to review.

Dinner was buttermilk chicken, stir fry and fried noodles. A fine meal, and just ready for when Jools came home, with the good news that Donna's partner had been given the cancer all clear.

Eighty five We toast their and our good fortune, and eat well.

And again, no football to watch, so the evening drags, and we went to bed well before nine.

Phew, rock and roll.

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