Monday 25 March 2024

Saturday 23rd March 2024

Saturday morning, and with it being a cool, but sunny day, I ask Jools if we should go to the cliffs orchid hunting before or after Tesco.

Before, she said.


After coffee, we packed the car with shopping bags, camera, knee brace and walking pole, for the short drive to the National Trust's place, early enough not to have to pay, but late enough so that the gate was unlocked.

Eighty three After parking up, we walked down the two sloping meadows to the narrow path leading to the Cliff Road, as it was on this slope the earliest Early Spiders are usually found.

We walked down, very slowly, then across to the metal frames that sometime have spikes growing in their shade, and found just two rosettes. Well developed, but at least a week away from flowering.

Hunting So, back up the slope to the car.

And it was at this point I realised I had underestimated the task, it being all uphill, not too steep, but steep enough so my knee began to complain.

Saturday morning at Dover But I did it, back to the car, and sinking into the seat was a relief. We did still have to get to Tesco and walk round there, hunting and gathering, but that is level.

Back to the car with our swag, but instead of going straight home, we drove to Walmer to the Corner Café for breakfast.

Saturday morning at Dover Its not often we do this now, but it is good to sit in the café and take in the smells of our meal being cooked while sipping freshly brewed tea.

Breakfast was good, plentiful, and all of it eaten. So we could go back to the car, turn it round and drive home, back for twenty past ten and Huey on the wireless as we unpacked.

Saturday morning at Dover And that was it for the day, other than ice packs and taking drugs for my knee. Which is for the tendons not the cartilage that smarts.

There is lower league football to watch, before England played at seven. Not much to report, just pizza for dinner and then sitting down with Jools and Scully to watch the game.

Saturday morning at Dover Was OK, though Brasil won 1-0, and deserved to. I did toy with the idea of watching Top Gun II afterwards, but didn't. Probably for the best.

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