Friday 8 March 2024


Despite what Jeremy Hunt and the current Government may say about the curren recession being only "technical", there is a real durntown in work certainly in engnieering manufacturing.

So much so, that the company that Jools works for has cut its workforce by nearly 20%.

We have known about this for at least two weeks, and the fact that work is thin on the ground was abvious to all that worked there, but the scale of the redundancies was startling.

And in Jools's department, where three work, all positions were judged to be vunerable, with one post to be lost.

In the end, Jools and Donna asked if they could job share, and so all three could keep their jobs, and this was accepted. So, Jools will now work two days one week, and three the next. And so on.

But twenty good people lost their jobs. Some left last Friday, some on Tuesday and the rest today.

Some volunteered, others were sacked. Including the new young IT guru who thought he was bulletproof.

Life is hard, there are good orders for later in the year and in three months maybe she'll go back full time. But going into Spring, having two extra days off a week is not bad this time of the year.

We'll be fine. Last week we paid off the car loan, so will be £300 a month better off, even with the reduced wages.

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