Wednesday 6 March 2024

Tuesday 5th March 2024

Dear reader, I nearly broke my leg taking this shot.

Sixty five OK, not my leg, but my knee.

And not in the actual taking of the shot, but in walking over to take the shot.

It had been a dreary, wet and yukky day, fit only for work, which was just as well as I worked all day. Each time I looked outside, wind blew and sheeted down, so once back at the hotel, the rain having stopped and the clouds began to clear.

That'll do for my shot of the day.

I thought.

So, I got my phone out and strode over the car park towards the road and promenade. Between the car and the promenade, the car park sloped gently, but in one place was a drain cover.

A drain cover worn smoothish by decades of cars passing over it.

I looked at the phone to unlock it, and my right foot made contact with the drain cover. Decades of cars might have worn it smooth, but a day of rain added to its slipperiness,

The surface of the cover, worn smooth and with a layer of water rendered its surface like ice.

Very much ice.

My foot slipped and down I went like an ugly sack of spuds. My right knee, the gammy one, went under me, bent as it took my weight.

I lay on the ground in a puddle, waiting for the pain to start.

Here it comes.

I thought.

Any moment now.

But the pain did not come.

At least right away.

So, I got up, walked over the road, took this shot, then back up to the hotel, up the room after reporting the accident.

I decided not to risk walking into town, a wise choice in the end. So dined on lasagne in the hotel, and as the evening wore on, the knee began to ache and throb.

On the positive side, it would appear that i had not damaged my cartilage any further.

So that was something.

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