Tuesday 19 March 2024

Monday 18th March 2024

Monday morning looked and felt like Spring.

After a cool and misty start, the skies cleared, and the two Pasqueflowers, all dew-covered and closed soon opened and raised their faces to the sun.

I took shots with them covered in dew, and another series when they opened fully.

I don't think there is a better colour combination in nature than the purple of the petals and deep yellow of the stamens.

Pulsatilla vulgaris The birds are chasing each other round the garden and in the pond there are two more clumps of spawn.

Jools is working three days this week, meaning I am home alone on Monday. So, once she leaves I put on a podcast and listen to that before logging on for another week.

It is a week after I have written my reports, filled in travel expenses, so for the most part its a low stress day, the kind I like.

I have started watching videos of a coil collector, who opens £250 worth of £2 coins to find rare and unusual ones. I now know more about the commemorative ones and whether the Queen of Kind should or should not have their crown on.

Seventy eight Amazing that people find passion in some things, whilst most don't. Christopher makes a living out of coins, and makes these videos in his spare time. He is witty and engaging.

Holy Toledo.

Other than work, my task for the days is to pull up the Cleavers that grow along the hedge on the west side of the lawnmeadow. They are doing very well this year, so I fill a sack with them and the birds are happy at having exposed soil to hunt for worms in.

Jools calls to say she wasn't going to aquafit, and we have nothing out for dinner, except a pack of hot cross buns, so we toast those and have with a brew.

Monday was also the 39th anniversary of me starting work at the chicken factory. I've come quite a way in those years, seen and done some things.

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