Saturday 16 March 2024

Friday 15th March 2024

Seventy five days into the year, and a Friday too.

The days are getting longer and warmer, although the threat of frost and even snow is not over yet.

Jools had the day off, but much planned, so up at six so she could go to yoga, and I put the bins out.

The rain had begun before dawn and carried on until lunchtime before easing, the the clouds cleared.

This was a Friday full of meetings, including a two hour department meeting where, again, we were told how great things are

Seventy five Each morning, or when the rain stops, I go out to check the garden for new plants and flowers, so it was on when of these checks I finally noticed the grape hyacinths growing out of the lawnmeadow.

Scully sez: We were going to the cinema to dee Dune 2: this time its sandier. But, with the redundancies at Jools's work, there was a goodbye party for those who are leaving, so she drove to Hythe to say her goodbyes.

Its never easy.

By the time she returned, I had finished work and the kettle was boiling again. Its a 6th sense I tell you.

Not much else to tell, just the afternoon waiting for when the music quiz started. I didn't do well this week, as the works of Steve Millar are mostly unknown to me.

But by then it was the weekend, and time to relax even more.

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