Sunday 14 June 2020

The Wail on Sunday

The Government is proposing new sentencing legislation to increase violence aganst, *checks notes*, a statue to ten (10) years.

A pervert grooming underage girls for sex will get a maximum of five years.

Julia Hart Brewer tries to defend the dunken nazi by claiming that the neo-nazi did not piss on a memorial to a serving policeman who gave his life preventing a terrorist attack in 2017.

News organisations, including Sky called the clashes between actual Nazis and the police as skirmishes, whilst the BLM mostly peaceful demonstrations and marches were seen as a threat to the Nation.

The Nazis were in town to protect the statue of Winston Churchill who is venerated for deteating, *checks notes*, Nazis in WWII.

Yes, this is where we are in England now. And it is England, or Engerland that has the issue with racists and actual Nazis that don't thinks ironic that they said they were there to protect the statue of Churchill, and did so by doing Heil Hitlers when the police blacked their access to Whitehall. The BLM itself was cancelled, so there wasn't anyone else, just the police and public to fight with.

Families having a socally distanced picnic on Green Park were attacked and spat at. What very fine people these are that Johnson has aligned himself with. And he has. He is a racist. Maybe a casual one, but a racist nonetheless, taking of piccaninnies with watermelon smiles and women who bear Burkas are letterboxes.

But yes, Johnson has the higher ground and morals.

And the Sunday Mail asks: "What has become of the tolerant Britain we love?". The sheer brass bollocks of this cesspit of bile and hate to not realise the vitriol they unleash on a daily basis. Maybe the endless headlines published over the last five years blaming immigration for all the nation's ill for everything going wrong.

The nation is divided on almost every line from Brexit to social distancing and face masks. How did it come to this?

Alexander Boris de Piffel Johnson.

Nearly six months of your premiership and the country is irretrievably split down the middle with Brexit, the Union on the verge of splitting, riots on the streets and 60,000 dead from a shabbily managed virus.

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