Tuesday 1 August 2023

A Standard mistake

Yesterday it was announced that the UK Government had indefinitely delayed plans to introduce a new UK product safety mark. (Kite Mark).

This would have involved a British version and one for Northern Ireland, because of its part compliance issues with the EU SM.

In the EU CE regulations, it clearly states that compliance reviews of any company who wants to be CE compliant could not use a UK company as they were not certified to carry out the compliance review and certification.

On top of this is the cost of compliance, which would be multplied if products (and services) were for use in Britain and/or Northern Ireland and/or the EU.

It was always madness.

Divergance for divergance sake was something, at one point even JRM acknowledged.

The UK Trade and Business Commission, the Government added, "Ministers should now follow this rationale in other areas and ensure that the UK aligns with the standards of our largest market unless there is a clear benefit in divergence."

Like chemical standards. (REACH).

Is this common sense breaking out at last, or just to difficult for this piss-poor Government to tackle.

As Al Murray once said, "if it's too difficult, I won't understand it".

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