Tuesday 22 August 2023

Monday 21st August 2023

Six years ago we stood in the high deserts of Wyoming, while overhead the mood slipped in front of the sun and the sky went out.

It was a long way to go for little over two minutes of cosmic ballet, but the experience was very worth it indeed. As a bonus, we went to Yellowstone, Montanna, spent a few days on a ranch in the Wyoming hig country before meeting longtime online friend and riding the worlds longest rack railway.

It was a heck of a trip.

And memories to last forever.

That was a Monday, but on this Monday there was work. And later, mowing the lawnmeadow.

Work repeats, sometime daily, sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly, and mostly nothing really gets better. But we soldier on in the hope, after being promised of better times.


So we plough on, hoping againt hope that there will be jam tomorrow, or that perhaps we can find the energy to live the lie for the next 105 weeks.

High summer is fading and the nights draw in. In the morning, the rising sun can be seen from the side window now when it pokes its disc above the horizon. And so thoughts turn to the lawnmeadow and next year.

Two hundred and thirty three It is time to give it a closer cut, and so it will appear, at least from a distance, more lawn-like.

The garden is alive with life, butterflies, moths, while in the air above swallows chirp with delight at they perform acrobatics catching their suppers.

Polyommatus icarus The wind is light, and I could go for a walk, but the garden needs caring for, after ten months of neglect.

I say neglect, its not really, as once it is mown, scarified, seeds sown and raked in, the lawn takes after itself and becomes a meadow again at the end of winter.

I split the afternoon with making focaccia again, this time, peppering the dough with onions, tomatoes and basil along with garlic and rosemary.

Polyommatus icarus It smells divine when baking at half four.

It goes perfectly with Caprese for dinner, and the glass or three of red plonk I drink with it.

It might not sound much, but life seems pretty much perfect when I write it down like this. I want for nothing, I am content and no longer "need" to work.

And then there was football, Palace v the Arse. Tense and exciting, 1-0 to the Arse in the end.

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