Tuesday 8 August 2023

Monday 7th August 2023

Monday and so back to work.

And after the dreadful weekend weather, it came as no surprise to find that Monday was going to be warm and sunny.

And I would be hard at work.

Well, you know.

I woke from another crazy dream: a train I had been travelling back to London for an appointment has been sent into a siding on a farm, and there was no news when we would be moving again.

It must mean something.

Jools left for work just after seven, I logged on then was hit by the old Windows update" things, so had to close down and install updates, losing half an hour of work.

Two hundred and nineteen But, my two colleagues were back from their holidays, so I have actual people to talk to through the day now.

I go out a few times during the day for some air and soak up some rays, and each time I go out there's a hummingbird hawkmoth flitting about, I even manage to get a few shots.

Macroglossum stellatarum Late summer means summer broods too for many butterfly species, and the garden is full, when the sun comes out, s I rattle off another 130 shots through the day, hoping at least one will be good enough.

We have been waiting two weeks now for Ray to come and trim our hedges, so I decide to start on ours, doing the half on the right hand side nearest the house, which means getting the clippers out and trying to avoid cutting the electrical chord which Jen did the other week with John's trimmers!

Macroglossum stellatarum Half an hours work and looked OK, so the plan going forward is to do an hour each day and get the hedges trimmed.

That done and after giving my back a rest I get on with preparing dinner: fritters, which I add a leftover sweet pepper and when eating, we can use the aioli I made on Sunday. Which I can confirm tastes pretty much like raw garlic, which isn't an altogether bad thing.

Anyway, one day done, four more to go.

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