Tuesday 11 September 2018

No irrational positivity here

The disgraced former Defence Secretary, Liam Fox, erstwhile International trade secretary, who in the run up to the referendum said that a deal with the EU would be the easiest in history, now says it is not going to be all rosy post Brexit, which is pretty much the exact opposite what he and other Brexiteers have been saying, like for years. He also added, not everything will be wonderful. So not sunlit uplands with no downsides then?

Quite how these liars and chancers have gotten away with this is going to be one of the main questions to be answered post-Brexit. Enabled by a feeble press and media and assisted by a compliant opposition lead by someone who also wants Brexit, but for opposite reasons to Brexiteers, to create some kind of socialist paradise here on earth.

Today, the ERG will publish some policies relating to Brexit, but will not publish all the papers they have prepared, lest they help ministers out of the fix they have landed the country in. Be in no doubt that Brexiteers have been put in charge of the process by May; DD, Raab, Fox, Johnson and Gove are all or have been ministers with leading roles in Brexit, and have agreed on May's policies and strategy. Some resigned after being forced to face up to what their unplanned and unhinged Brexit course, went back to what they do best, sniping from the sidelines without offering any real alternatives, except those that will cost the country even more.

It is revealing that another leading Brexiteer, IDS, has not be placed in a role with any responsibility, yet the BBC will interview a man who it would appear to remember his name each morning, and whose policy idea yesterday was to scrap the December agreement, which, as previously said in these posts, be a sure fire sign to the rest of the world that our word cannot no longer be trusted, but then look who said it....

The ERG plan has a fix for the Irish border; "flying squads of tax inspectors" and drones. I think of drones whenever a Brexiteer speaks.....

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