Friday 14 September 2018

This isn't democracy: it's an embarrassment

The referendum:

Was won with a result of 52-48, and with such a narrow margin, the entire country is to be turned upside down next year and for generations.

This comes after the lies that were told by the two leave campaigns.

And after the use of targeted advertising on social media based on illegally obtained data from other sources, like

And now we find that the Electoral Commission, EC, the body who were supposed to ensure all parties, campaigns abided by the rules, advised one of the Leave campaigns, wrongly, that they could donate money to the other Leave campaign to avoid spending limits. And then EC dragged its heels when asked to investigate this, and now after a high court case brought by the Good Law Project, this complaint has been upheld.

This stinks to high heaven, doubly so as many of the main Leave campaign are now members of May's cabinet, surely this is a resignation matter? No chance, the era of ministerial responsibility has long since passed.

Instead, May will drive the country over a cliff to try to keep her part together for as long as possible, regardless of what damage it does to the country.

I am now more fearful for the future of my country than I have been since the day of the referendum result, that people are mad enough to see through this lunacy through to the bitter end.

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