Thursday 13 September 2018

Wednesday 12th September 2018

Would have been my parent's 54th wedding anniversary.

And another day of overcast skies and hour upon hour of heavy drizzle. Just as well I have work to keep me busy.


Jools has just about caught up at work, so we get up at the normal time of half five, but it is now still dark, with just a hint of daylight in the clouds swirling over the house. Soon it started to rain, and the cats went to bed for the day; Mulder on the old sleeping bag on the chest of drawers, and Scully on a pile of blankets in the wardrobe in the spare bedroom. Of course.

two hundred and fifty four I had made a Christmas cake the last two mornings before work started, or mixed the cakes and folded the fruit and put them in the oven, to cook for four and a half hours on a low heat.

It des mean that the house is filled with the smell of the spiced cake cooking, mixed in with cognac. All heady stuff.

But not this day, I had run out of ingredients.

Garden Spider Araneus Diadematus So there was breakfast.

Another brew.

And work.

The day is pretty much falling into a pattern. I sit for two hours at the table to work, then I get a sore bum, so switch to the sofa and have American Pickers on in the background as I play with spreadsheets.

THe morning passes.

Outside, the rain falls steadily, and even the birds have given up being about, and are sitting the poor weather out in a roost somewhere.

I take delivery of a package Jools had ordered; over a hundred bulbs for next spring, just to make sure we get some early colour in the early days of the season. I'll need to rip more out of the lawn before they're planted though.

And before the end of the day, the rain stops and in the evening, the sun comes out. Jools comes home and we have aubergine and pasta salad, and clearing up we look out of the window to see the setting sun breaking through and shining under the low clouds, casting bright golden colours on the houses the other side of the Dip.

Setting sun Jools watches Breaking Bad, and I listen to the radio and read WSC, and somehow the evening passes and soon eyes are growing heavy once again.

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