Sunday 9 September 2018

Through the Brexit looking glass

Most days I listen to at least on BBC news update on the radio, and I am left staring in disbelief at what I hear, only telling half the story of the Brexit events.

What I mean is, that in reporting on Boris de Piffel Johnson saying he would get a better deal for Britain, or not, but focusing on the word deal I have since changed using that word and instead use either Withdrawal Agreement or WA as this is what it is, a negotiated document of either political or legal status on the future relationship between the UK and EU. Both sides have to agree.

That this tousled haired Etonian wanker could somehow do this better than what has been done thus far, and I know that for two years it was DD who was the Brexit Minister, but still, the agreement has to be acceptable to both sides, then it is up to the PM of the day, to steer it through Parliament, whilst the EU27 ratify it.

And so on. So the main problem with this was always that a WA that is acceptable to both the EU and UK is almost impossible, without some flexibility on one or both sides. THing is, the EU has not, and will not, bend on the four freedoms, as this underpins the single market, and every proposal from the UK has been to cherry pick which of these we are willing to accept and which we are not. THis will never be agreed to, as once the freedoms are split, the Single Market falls apart, and no amount of trade with the UK could make up for that, and many manufacturing associations across the EU , including the German motor manufacturers, say that the SM is more important that trade with the UK.

This is the case and will always be so.

So the choice for the UK is what will we as a country, or at the moment, what will the factions of the Conservative Party accept? No realistic plan for sure, that allows trade to flow as it does at the moment between the EU and UK in both directions.

That the EU has already dismissed May's Chequers White Paper means that the internal conflict between the Brexiteers of the ERG and May whether it shackles the country or not, is meaningless, its a non-starter with the EU, as it is more have cake and eat it; cakeism.

So, literally, the Government is in conflict with its own party over a document that the Cabinet, including de Piffel, had agreed to in July, but the EU has rejected out of hand.

And that is why I stare at the radio in disbelief and no longer use the BBC as my main source of news. Not sure even if I would trut it with the football scores at the moment, to be honest.

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