Wednesday 12 September 2018

Tuesday 11th September 2018

September 11th.

17 years.

And 17 years ago, the US suffered the worst terrorist attack, and afterwards, I remember saying to a friend that the US could respond in two ways, in kindness or with the might of its arsenal.

The so called war on terror has gone on for most of that time, and been justified on many human rights abuses, unjustified wars and killing of innocent bystanders, so that we have taken our enemy's mantra of the end justified the means, and destroyed our western beliefs, with torture, rendition, bombing of innocents a weekly event. Now, people in their own home are justified targets by off duty police because they did not obey instructions.

In their own home.

Because of their skin colour.

White folks can burn their Nike products, but black athletes cannot take a knee in response to racial killings and the perpetrator's evasion of justice.

Being bastards is justified because of those that died that day, and because of the normalisation of hate and division, we have Brexit and Trump. Fear of the brown skinned and muslims.

And now we have the idiot as president, who normalises the use of terms such as rapists for the US's neighbours, divides families and diverts funds from FEMA to ICE, because all this is normal.

And I have been suffering with allergy attacks almost daily, taking double doses of pills to keep a full blown attach at bay, and for the most part, it has worked. I am able to sleep, and apart from one mega-sneezing fit on Sunday, not been too bad, but I need to watch out what I do, clearly.

It is another day working from home, which means nothing much exciting happened, other than get up, have breakfast, work, have lunch, work until work has ended.

Jools get up at half four, so to have left for work by half five, meaning when I stirred at half five, I heard her driving the car out of the drive. Already.

I get up and make coffee, then before breakfast, make the second Christmas cake, so ahead of schedule, it was in the oven baking by seven, meaning I could have breakfast and get dressed and be ready for work by eight.

The day passes, it is cool and cloudy, but not too cold, and work is bearable now I am in control.

Two hundred and fifty three In the afternoon, Kay burns their garden rubbish, so that the smell of woodsmoke leaks into the house, it is that time of year, I guess. Burning what has been cleared from the garden. I remember to take a shot of the smoke as daylight fades as my picture of the day.

We have fish cakes and warmed through rice for inner, before I listen to the England game on the radio, and jools watches Breaking Bad, or some of it.

As I turn the lights out for the evening, check the doors for being locked, I watch a badger feed from the peanuts and fatballs whilst sitting in the front garden, looking around and enjoying himself.

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