Sunday 23 September 2018

Weekend Brexit

The not unsurprising news is that team May is planning another of them snap General Elections, seeing as the last one went so well.

It is easy to understand why, she is not in power as PM, JRM wields more power than she does, and then the DUP has the power to bring the whole house of cards down if they don't get what they want.

Oh yes, the DUP. In an interview today, Arliene said the DUp would veto any agreement that put a border up on Ireland, all well and good. But as she and her party is a Brexit supporting one, and the whole car crash affect the very country she is apparently First Minister of, and the border in question is one that has her own on one side, shouldn't she and/or her party come up with an actual solution?

But of course, actual solutions, details, is where Brexit falls down. That and when you bring it close to reality, which could be called anti-Brexit.

But a snap election could deliver May the majority she needs, or it could put Labour in power, especially if the party gives in to calls for a 2nd referendum, but that would mean having to delay Brexit, and anyway, the Shadow Chancellor stated this morning that Labor would push forward with Brexit were it in power.

THis week is the Labour conference, when the members could force a change in policy on the leadership. But I fear a Momentum lead rearguard action to prevent that, but we shall see. A Labour party that embraced a 2nd referendum policy and then an anti-Brexit stance would probably sweep the next election, but that isn't going to happen with Corbyn as leader.

Until then various Lords and MPs with inherited wealth continue the remarkable spectacle of accusing remaining supporting Labour MPs as the elite.

You couldn't make this up...

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