Sunday 9 September 2018

Your weekend Brexit

On Friday, the disgraced former Mayor of London and |foreign Secretary, Boris de Piffel Johnson announced he and his wife were separating. Rumours began to circulate Westminster the ladies he might have been plaing wiff waff with.

It matters not, however.

What does matter is that today Johnson had published his latest piece in the Sunday Torygraph, in which he compared the PM's Chequer's white papers like tying a suicide belt around the country. Strong, if not mad words.

That Johnson was a member of the Cabinet until very recently, and twice backed the PM's agreement with the Irish backstop position, and now he argues against that is breathtaking. Not that he has anything better to suggest, just not be so weak, believe in Britain, and .... yawn.

He was on TV today, and instead of quizzing him about his repeated infidelities, focus was on his puff piece, which was the whole point of it, really. Just another look over there pice to deflect attention from the fact that Boris Johnson is in life for what Boris Johnson and he alone can take. Bugger the party, the country, and fuck business.

And this just about sums up the current political discourse in Britain right now.

Politicians who at best are in for themselves, or others who are promoted above their ability grade. And then there is Chris Grayling.

One journalist who is on top of Brexit and the issues, is Sky News' Faisal Islam, who has great work in investigating the issues and illuminating his viewers. But the Government won't take his questions in press conferences, its been four months since a minister agreed to answer his questions, but the BBC are chosen every time.

This is part of the reason we are where we are, and that most Britons are unaware of the clusterfuck on a huge scale coming our way. Maybe just as well, but as long as we remember who to blame, those Brexiteers and members of the ERG who have had two DECADES to come up with a plan, but resign or run when the going gets tough, or having a plan as its called int he real world.

Still, sun is shining.

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