Sunday 10 May 2020

Confused? Don't be

Last night, the Prime Minister addressed the nation in a recorded speech, announcing that some lockdown measure will be, or might not be, relaxed.

It was all a bit confusing.

Someone had leaked additional information to a Times journalist who live Tweeted "clarifications" at the same time.

Later, Number 10 released a 137 page clarification on the updated nine word COVID slogan.

If you have to issue a clarification on a communication, then the communication wasn't very good.

It was shit, in fact.

But lets look at all this through Brexit coloured spectacles, and we see it makes sense, as it seems there was little if any debate within Cabinet about the change in direction and rules. A Cabinet meeting was called, but the speech had been recorded and the new slogan released to the papers the night before.

There is a reason that, in general, Prime Ministers don't lead by speech, it's because they're not clear and make mistakes, which is why policy changes should be announced in Parliament, after agreement by Cabinet, so it can be debated and scrutinised, and the exact meaning of each word and line questioned, so the message is clear.

But debate and scrutiny were avoided at all cost during Brexit, the very thing that should have brought sovereignty back to Parliament, avoided it at any cost, even giving the Monarch unlawful advice. All methods of questioning the executive were to be clamped down upn, restricted and left for only those who could afford it.

Johnson, who as a child, wanted to be king of the world, now he is, kinda, and turns out he does not have the skill set for his life's ambition. Must be shocking.

Today, the Government says it is issuing a 60 page clarification document, to clarify the clarification of the speech of the slogan.

People are confused. Some will return to work, they will mix with each other on trains, buses and the Tube, and will not keep to the 2m distancing, and some will get ill. Many will get ill, and some will die. More will die.

The metric that the Government says it is using was tweeted by Johnson last night,

COVID alert level = R (rate of infection) + number of infections.

So, based on current figures, the level, out of a range from 1 to 5, where 1 is no virus and 5 is NHS overwhelmed, is 219,183.6. Out of 5.

The prosecution rests.

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