Tuesday 13 October 2020


Last night the Government voted down a Lord’s amendment to maintain food standards on imported foods, thus breaking a promise from Gove and many other Ministers that this would not happen.

This will kill off many UK farms, as they will not be able to compete with beef raised in Brazil ion land claimed from former rain forests, or pork and beef injected with hormones and our old friend, chlorine washed chicken.

We will have cheap sub-standard food, and the good stuff will be only for those who can afford it.

It will be a short step until we eat the poor. Or the rich eat the poor.

So, UK farmers, who heavily voted for Brexit will have to maintain their food standards, whilst we import cheaper, poorer stand food from elsewhere, exports to the EU will be subject to tariffs of at least 35% and have strict rule of origin checks. Hardly any will survive.

And it is the same for arable farmers, as GM grain will flow into the country.

Remember, this is taking back control.

And on the 15th, in two days, is Johnson’s absolute deadline for ending talks with the EU, after which he said the UK would walk away from talks.

Two days.

Walk away.

79 days left until the transition period ends.

Even if a deal is struck, the thinnest of deals, it has to be ratified, by each of the EU27 and the EU Council, and depending on what it contains, seven regional Parliaments too, and failure in any one of those and any potential agreement will be stopped, and there is a hard deadline and that would mean no deal.

This is the game of chicken that Johnson is playing.

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