Tuesday 20 October 2020

Monday 19th October 2020

After much procratinating and postponing, Monday was to be the day when we climbed back on the cross trainer and did phys.

The old cross trainer which we broke, was a good one, as it turned out, well made and a pleasure to use. The new one, which was more expensive isn't a pleasure. It creaks, groans, clicks and wobbles. It feels like a toy in comparisson.

Its not the phys itself, but the machine we don't like.

But I could feel the pound piling on, getting more difficult to bend and stretch. Something had to change.

So, a gentle start, ten minutes, huffing and puffing in the dark. The display has no light, so impossible in the pre-dawn light to see how much I had done. I think I got nine and a half minutes done.

I stop. And Jools does her turn, matching me.

I had intended to do a second session in the afternoon. But didn't.

I cool down, a bit and make breakfast for Jools and myself, so I could be ready for the morning meeting.

Its an hour later in Denmark, they have been up an hour longer, and are in good spirits, as usual, sipping from fresh cups of coffee.

I am at least dressed, and then have an extra auditors meeting to talk more about audits. That lasts an hour and 50 minutes.

Days like these really do spoil us.

The morning dragged.

The one highlight was the John Cooper Clark autobiography delivered from a small bookshop in the East End of London. I saw that it is a signed copy. Well worth the cost and having to go through two extra steps like it is for the non-tax-paying Amazon.

Two hundred and ninety three I made a loaf of bread over the morning, mixing it after the phys, and letting it rise before baking it at about half ten, so was nice and cool for lunch, so we could have the best pate sandwiches of all time ever.

Jools works in the garden, and I press on with tasks online for work, sometimes I do wonder if anyone other than ourselves ever looks at this stuff we do, that we fill our working days with pointless tasks, as pointless as turning a crank in clink. They do pay me. Well, as it turns out, and in these uncertain times, I know how lucky I am that I am fairly sure my job is safe as long as I want it.

The day finishes, and I gave no thought to a second workout. No surprise.

We are to have warmed up beef, steamed veggies, roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings. And the rest of the gravy for dinner. And fizz.

It takes about 40 minutes to do, and is almost as good as the one on Sunday.

Phew. Stuffed.

In the evening there was football, Leeds v Wolves, and was entertaining enough to keep me awake until full time just before ten.

And that was that.

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