Friday 30 October 2020

Thursday 29th October 2020

Just when you thought things couldn't get more chaotic, something else comes along.

All of that in a minute.

Thursday was another dark and wet day, not one for going out and singing to the birds and flowers.

Oh no.

Things are changing soon, Jools going back to work on Monday, so this week is just spent enjoying the time together, and Jools getting the last of the tasks done before heading back to the world of work. And on Thursday that means going to Tesco and the doctors. All meaning there is less to do at the weekend.

After getting up and drinking the first coffee of the day, there is the session on the cross trainer. Not as bad, but still not enjoyable. I foolishly said I will do two sessions a day from Monday.

Silly me.

I have a shower, get dressed and am ready for work and the early meeting. And as we are an hour behind Denmark, I log on for the morning meeting a couple of minutes before it was due to start, so had not read my mails.

I started the meeting, and Henrik joined me, and dropped the bombshell: Hello, fellow Vestas emloyee. As overnight one of our two parent companies had bought the other one out, and our independent company was to be dragged back into Vestas. There was no hint this was even a possibility, and no idea for some time what it means to any of us.

Our boss, who had been reading CVs first thing, and when we pressed her for news she had to admit she had not read her mails that morning either.

Later that morning there was a webcast lead by the Vestas CEO who told us nothing new, really, just that it was happening and is a good thing. Isn't it always?

So, for now, no change, but in two or three months, very different. I have thoughts, but none to share for now. Other than we have many duplicate functions now, and that will have to change, but we shall see.

No real work was done for the rest of the day, as colleagues called each other to ask what it meant and if we knew. No one knew. Or suspected.

We have lunch, a brew, once Jools came back from Tesco. I has more beers now, and we has milk and coffee.

I try to concentrate through the afternoon, through another meeting on calibration (sigh).

And that was it.

Through the day I had put a huge pot of bones and offcuts onto simmer to make some beef stock for gravy to have with Sunday lunch. I had six pints of stock in the end, more than enough to last weeks if not months. I needed to cool overnight, however.

Three hundred and three Dinner is simple: burgers and beer. Simple.

And then the long evening spent writing and beating Jools at Uckers, which was quite satisfying.

Wmah ha ha.

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