Saturday 10 September 2022

Friday 9th September 2022

It's nearly the weekend.

And we are to get a new King.

I think it was in the Python flim, Jaberwocky, one of the serfs pointed at the Keng and said that it must be the King.


He's the only one not covered in shit.

UK is a country lost its mind at the moment. Maybe its just me, in that I have no emotional connection to the Royals that I'm not upset or in mourning. I didn't wish her dead either, but there are far more important things to worry about.


Jools decided to have a slow start in the morning, so didn't go to yoga nor swimming. But did leave for work at seven, giving me time to put the bins out before starting work.

And after yesterday's audit, comes writing the audit report. And I set aside all day for this task, just as well as I had 50 mails come on Thursday, and then meetings to attend to, and actions, or their lack of, to be explained.

All which meant I had acheived nothing until eleven in the morning, and I really wanted to finish for the weekend at one or soon after.

I dd write the report, sent it off, and logged off.


I sat in the back garden, read a magazine and fussed over Mulder and Scully as they demanded affection and food.

Two hundred and fifty two Storm clouds began to build in the north, and a few rumbles of thunder were heard as Jools and I sat in the garden for a brew.

And the afternoon slipped by.

I went out with a carrier bag to collect blackberries, not to make a crumble, but to make a batch of blackberry port. I have no idea if it'll work or not, but using four bottles of home made wine, two being 11 years old elderberry, it'll be fruity! I got scratched and shot a cuple of shivers, but was worth it.

I did the music quiz, and failed once more.

It wasn't Queen after all, it was Jimi Hendrix.

And as the football had been cancelled, incuding Norwich's game on Friday at Burnley, we did go to Jen's for supper and cards.

Jen is off to Australia in less than a month, to visit friends and family over three months, so the winter will be card-free.

We had spicy chicken tenders and very spicy wings, all washed down with a Reserve bottle of President's XV. Very nice.

And to cap a great evening, we ended a little up at cards.


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