Thursday 1 September 2022

Wednesday 31st August 2022

Five and a half hours sleep was never going to be enough.

Jools woke me at quarter to seven, my head was full of wool, and there was zero chance I would be starting at seven.

Jools left for work, leaving me trying to work out how many legs I had, and after making a second coffee, I got the computer out and made a start on the day.

Two hundred and forty three Everyone is under pressure.

My boss.

His Boss.

His boss.

I'm not. I would have been, but I've been warning of this shit for months, so I keep my head down and do my job. Just my job.

I have meetings all day, during which I make it clear my feelings on a number of matter. Speaking truth to authority. It felt good, doubly so as being in the right.

There was no way I had enough energy to go for a walk, and if anything I wanted a lay down. So it came to pass after another meeting I powered the laptop down and went to bed, where I dozed for an hour or so. I woke to find Cleo looking at me, is it dinner time?

Malva moschata After a while I went down, fed the cats and thought about doing dinner, which was breaded chicken, fresh corn, stir fry and noodles.

I shouldn't have had wine. But the bottle was open, so it almost poured itself.

It was that easy.

After dinner we had ice cream with coffee, I was going to watch football, but as it happened, nine was more than late enough, so we went to bed, stirred only by Bev next door, cheering when Liverpool scored a last minute winner.

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