Friday 16 September 2022

Thursday 15th September 2022

Just a quick word to say many thanks for the mails that are coming in, keeping my spirits up and making Jools and I laugh.

Thursday was a day on which I got my finger out and took control of work. Looked at the pile of e mails I had been ignoring whilst auditing, and dealt with them all in a couple of hours.

I felt much better.

In fact, auditing has been a relief to do this week, something different, helping people, making a difference.

Been really good.

If anything, I slept longer and later than on Wednesday, Jools waking me at twenty past six asking if it was too late to wake me? It prbably was to be fair.

Jools left for work, and I tried to wake up.

I made a loaf. Well, mixed the dough then left to rise so I had something for lunch. There was that gooseberry jam I bought at New Romney last month.

Outside the sun shone and so the ground dried, and if the winds set fair I would try to mow the meadow.

One man and his two cats would go to mow a meadow. I know we have four mogs, but only Mulder and Scully sit with us in the back garden. That's their manor.

At eleven, I put the bread in and it bakes quick. I pop it back out of the tin to crisp it's bottom, as who doesn't like a crisp bottom, and so lunch was served, a thick crust and a small slice overed in butter and jam, along with a huge brew.

And once work was done at three, I get get the mower out, work out how to start it and began the easy task of turning the meadow back into looking like a lawn. Although, to be fair, there are some large unlawn-like rosettes now sshowing in it.

The new mower has a self propelling facility, to use that uphill, and then coast back downhill. The raking of the grass and scarifying wil take place over the next three days.

Once the lawn was done, Mulder makes his case for dinner at four. He makes a good point, so I do feed him. As usual he takes three mouthfulls and is gone back out to explore of hunting or sleeping.

Two hundred and fifty eight I went for a walk over to the fields for more Clouded Yellow stalking, none seen at first, but when the sun came out, four were seen, and one let me get close enough to become shot of the day.

The evening was, well, short. Jools was tired, and so once I had written and done some more editing, we went to bed at half eight, and Cleo made it clear she wanted to make her nest between my feet as usual, so no reading for me.

It feels chilly now. It is autumn.

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