Sunday 25 September 2022

Saturday 24th September 2022

The weekend.

And lo, the rain did fall, in stair-rods, from the sky.

So, no chance to go butterfly chasing, in fact, it would be amazing if we went anywhere.

Up at half six, time for a coffee, before going to Tesco and spending nearly another £100 on what keeps us going.

THe forecasted rain began to fall soon after, and did not stop pretty much all day.

And its not like there was football to brighten the gloom, as with it being an international break, and all games are not now on Sky, I could liten on the radio, or find something else to do.

There is photo editing to do, as I have visited near to 20 churches this month, and have only posted shots from about six of them.

Jools did some gardening between the showers, and after a shower I cooked burgers for lunch, a meal so filling we didn't eat for the rest of the day.

I can say that the cats have settled down very well. Now it is autumn we have closed the living room window/escape route, and the cats are coping. Poppy meows to go out or come in, and sometimes even braves the cat flap in the back door. This should mean we can keep the house warmer through the colder months. There is less snarling and fighting, but even that I think is Poppy's initial reaction to anything is to growl, which provokes.

Two hundred and sixty seven We have the radio on for the afternoon, while outside it lashes down.

Having been away four days this week, I can confirm it is nice just to be home.

The day faded into evening, we had more music on. Supper was a twix and a coffee.

There was some baseball on the BBC: Red Sox at Yankees, not quite the post season. I decided to leave it, as no matter how much I like the game, watching it live from the US means late nights of no sleep at all.

We went to bed at half eight, read a bit before Cleo made it clear she wanted to go to sleep.

Yes, boss.

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