Friday 16 July 2021


THis was the number of new infections yesterday.

The number in hospital is now above that in February, though the fresh addmittance rate is still quite low.

Over 500,000 are currently isolating or have been told to by the track and trace app, and the Governments response to this last one is to turn down the sensitivity on the app so less people have to isolate. The papers today are attacking the app with stories of neighbours being pinged after contract with each other though a brick dividing wall.

And on top of this, the Government is hellbent on unlocking the economy and society on Monday, this on top of a letter from 100 leading doctors and specialists and with the condemnation of the WHO ringing in his ears.

And here is an update: today's (Friday's) infections stands at 51,870. The UK is well con course for 100,000 within four weeks. As I said before, if it gets that bad here then the rest of the world might put the UK on their red list of desinations.

As it is, the advantage the UK had in vaccinations has been wiped out as Germany has now vaccinated a higher percentage and France will overtake the UK in the next week.

Although the Government will state, at every chance, to trumpt the vaccination campaign, and will say that 75% of the adult population is partially vaccinated, but not one person under 18 years old has been vaccinated, which means, and I couldn't make this up, that roughly 52% of the population is only partially vaccinated. Meaning 48% isn't.

If the vaccination campaign worked on its own, then infection rates would be falling, instead they are rocketing.

Science and reality wins. But we lose.

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