Tuesday 6 July 2021

Freedom means what we say it means

The unlocking of the final restrictions has been labled "freedom day". Free to do what we want again.

It is expected that in about four weeks or so, there will be 100,000 positive tests showing the vaccine will be out of control, or more out of control than it already is.


The freedom will mean that those who have compromised immune systems, or are ill with something else, or otherwise at risk, well, you're on your own.

I am currently lost for words at this Governent's actions, coming as it is on the tracks of dreadful policy decision after dreadful policy decision. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, throwing in the town on the final straight, that some lives are worth less than a sandwich from Pret.

Currently, a tenth of the school population is isolating, up many times over the last four weeks. The school population has been decimated, literally. And the Government doesn't care, as the mask mandate for schools was ditched in May and now the bubbles are to be scrapped too.

The virus will let rip, and although bodies may not pile up in huge numbers, many will still die and many more suffer long COVID.

That all this was avoidable, or the risks, if only the Government had closed the borders to prevent new varients coming in, then we could have unlocked and be safe. Make no mistake, these are policy decsions by this GOvernment, decisions that have life and death effects.

But now is the time.


Remember, if you voted Tory in 2019, this is on you. There might not have been a virus then, a pandemic, but Johnson was Johnson then, a good time Charlie who would be the last person you'd want in charge during an emergency.

But turkeys voted for Christmas.

And here we are.

Meanwhile, Parliament has passed a voter suppression bill that will disenfranchise 2,000,000 people, and require photo ID to vte, although there is next to no voter fraud in the UK. So those who do not drive or have a passport will have to pay to get alternative picture ID or not be able to vote. The poor and minoroties will be the most affected. And then there is the redrawing of the electoral boundaries which will further make the Tory's position more secure.

And the Police Bill was also passed, meaning the Police will be able to stop any protest that might cause a nuisance. Giving the Police more illiberal powers when they have misused COVID laws to pusnish the innocent isn't going to end well, and you won't be able to protest about them.

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