Sunday 25 July 2021

No sandwiches in Paris

Today's Daily Mail website has a story on the situation with the Marks and Spencer shop in Paris, that has run out of sandwiches.

Turns out its a bit of a treat for locals to pop into M&S and buy some sandwiches and snacks. Who knew?

Anyway, head of the company, former Tory MP, Archie Norman, tells how red tape means his company's sandwiches and other stock require so much paperwork they have not been able to restock the shop.

But he blames the EU for applying the rules and claims the UK Government "is doing their best".


Turns out leaving the SM and CU has consequences: who knew?

Not Johnson or Frost, apparently.

Well, they were told, but went on reguardless, and now are using their own demand to be treated as a third country as a reason to complain that the EU is treating the UK, or Britain, really, just like any other third country.

He says: "The purposes of the customs union is to prevent product that doesn't comply with EU standards coming in – and there is no risk. This is purely border bureaucracy." That's what the meeting of two regulatory regimes looks like. I mean this level of dishonesty is staggering.

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