Monday 26 July 2021

Sunday 25th July 2021

Day two of the weekend, and the weather was going to be pants.

Big pants.

So, no trips out planned, if the weather allowed some work to be done in the garden. Cook dinner, Jools would go swimming.

Two hundred and six And that's it.

Really, not much to report.

I woke up and removed the earplugs, and was rewarded with 5,000 seagulls on the roof of the mobile home where the party was the night before, as I guess the bbq and so on wasn't cleared up at whatever time it all finished. But I am sure those with hangovers would't have appreciated the seagulls on their roof, a few feet above their beds, squawking to the whole wold about the food they had found and all seagulls should come along to eat.

Summer in the garden I lay in bed listening to the gulls, and then there was silence.

I could hear cats padding about, but no fighting, no fuss. So I get up and I feed them, wait for Jools to wake and then put on the kettle and make brews. It was going to be a lazy morning, so we have first breakfast of fruit, then follow that with another coffee and croissants.

Summer in the garden There was more than enough time for a long, lazy shower and then a shave, the weekly shave. Whether I need one or not.

Summer in the garden Outside the rain hammers down, and seems like its set in for the day.

We have an early lunch of pork pie and slaw.

Exciting stuff.

In the afternoon I make Jools some cirried rice for her snaps during the week, then as the rain stopped, I went to cut more of the lawnmeadow and do a second cut on the areas I had done previously. Jools rakes up the grass, and the work is done.

Summer in the garden She goes swimming at three, and I prepare dinner, rain and mist sweep along the coast outside.

We had achieved little, but the sun had come out for a while, so I go out with the camera to record our work.

And like that, the weekend came to an end.....

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