Thursday 8 July 2021

Who watches the watchers?

Matt Hancock was appointed Health Secretary by Johnson when the latter became PM.

THere is little doubt that Hancock wasn't the most talented of Health Secretaries, but was appointed, and had the full support of the PM as the pandemic crisis got worse and worse, then better, and worse, and better and worse.

It became clear that Johnson was hellbent on unlocking the economy and society as soon as he could get away with it.

A delay of four weeks was allowed, but JOhnson said that was it.

Suddenly, a CCTV camera was in Hancock's office, recorded him in an embrace with his advisor, then the footage somehow found its way into the hands of The Sun, owned by Murdoch.

Hancock resigned after receiving little or no public support from fellow Cabinet members.

A former banker, Sajid Javid, was appointed in his place. And just by coincidence, this happened at the same time as further more extensive unlocking was announced.

A banker would see lives in monetary terms, and push for further easing for economic reasons.

The question is, was Hancock sacrificed because he would oppose the new policy of infecting everyone under the age of 18? And then replaced with someone who could live with those consequences?

What of science and the balance of risks? Well, Witty is going along with this plan, though says he will continue to wear a mask. But lets be clear on this, herd immunity is achieved by people being infected. Millions of young adults and children will be infected with COVID, people who have even been doule vaccinated will conract the virus. Many will fall sick, some will require a stay in the hospital, some in the ICU and some will die. How many people get sick, go into hospital and then die depends on how infections and which strain they contract: say, 10,000,000 people under 18, with an infection rate of 80% = 8,000,000 infected. 2% end up in hospital = 160,000 and 2% of those die, = 3200.

3,200 deaths that need not happen.

Unknown numbers of long covid as the Government is in denial that its even a "thing" for the young.

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