Sunday 11 July 2021

The new brain drain

Due to the weekend being quite busy with photography, cycling and football, it meant that I got a bit behind the other blog subjects. But on Friday, the Torygraph thundered something about the EU stealing our best talent for jobs. In that they could offer people opportunities that they had lost.

I wonder what event that could have been.

Let me state, if any employer out there is willing to sponser me to help me relocated to Tuscany or some orchid-filled valley in rural France, I am already packing. But it shows there will be some unexpected, for Brexiteers, concequences to that stupid idea.

Meanwhile, Sir David Frost was in Northern Ireland, were an assebly member, and former MEP, reminded the UK's chief negotiator that NI voted to remain in the EU, almost all the main parties, except the DUP voted against Brexit and refused to support it in votes, although clearly not legally binding on Westminster. And that the people of Northern Ireland have been polled and show that they, unlike the Brexiteers in Government, want the NIP implemented in full.

Frost just smirked, but the truth cut through.

Finally, one good blog post from DAG, well they all are to be fair, pondered on the conundrum of whay the DUP backed Brexit, when membership of the EU almost guaranteed the continuation of the status quo of there being a divided Irealnd, as rules and standards were the same either side of the border. Why would the DUP go so all in to support Brexit when it actually underminded the existance of NI, given that under the GFA a simple majority vote on both sides could create a unified Ireland, which is more likely now.

Maybe the internal strife in the DUp shows how those contortions of logic are now being dealt with.

Either way, with the marching season about to begin, Northern Ireland may yet burn again, something we had hoped would be very much a thing of the past. But the cause is not the EU applying rules in an unfair manner, it is rules caused by the Brexit that Johnson and Frost defined, negotiated and agreed with. That they both now try to disown it, will not change the effects.

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