Wednesday 28 July 2021

No confidence

You know, I'm pretty sure if the Police Federation of England and Wales had passed a otion of no confidence in the Prime Minister, Home Secretay and Chancellor, the newspapers might have made something of it.

And yet in the 24 hours since then, and the publication of a devastating three page letter sent to the three, life for Johnson and Patel has gone on as though everything is normal. In fact they were at a police college yesterday and were shown the actions of a police dog.

Johnson spoke about his dog likes to shag his leg, whilst Patel enthused about how such dogs (the police dog) could be used to attack people, thereby showing their personalities.

Both Johnson and Patel both went on to make strong speeches, another one, about being even thougher on crime with talk of chain gangs doing community work. As previously stated, if the Criminal Justic System was properly funded, the closed courst that Johnson and May closed were to be reopened, and funding to pay staff to work in these courts, then maybe, just maybe, the accused and victims might see justice.

It is lazy bit too easy to blame the backlog of cases on COVID, when the virus has addded a few percent on what was already record-breaking delays in cases coming to court. It is something like two years now, except when it is high profile of course, almost like it is window dressing.

The Police, of course, cannot go on strike, so this is the strongest they can do.

It will be ignored by the Mail, Torygraph, Express and the Government.

20,000 officers cut under the Tries since 2010, and planned to recruit 20,000, but with natural wastage due to injury and retirement, its a sticking plaster, and wouldn't be needed if the police was funded and manned.

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