Monday 26 July 2021

Double waiting

I have a busy day today.

No really.

So here we go, two points, linked.

Since the unlocking of the economy by JOhnson on the 19th, fresh infections have falled by about 50%. This, not surprisingly, is being trumpeted by the press.

But, we know that increased interactions, mostly without masks and distancing will increase infections, its just a case of when.

For a few days, the "delete the app" hashtag has been trending, as COVID deniers hold sway. THere was a demonstration in London at the weekend where speakers compared doctors and nurses in the NHS to those in Nazi deathcamps and called for them to be hung!

The UK can do batshit crazy too, apparently.

Cases will surge, I am expecting something to show by the weekend. Not that I want to see people fall ill and go to hospital, but reality can be a killer.

And the second point is that suply chains are about to collapse all over the country.

I have read multiple blogs and reports, though little in the press other than any issues is to do with the app rather than a shortage of drivers caused by Brexit or whatever.

As there are fewer and fewer trucks and capacity in general, more and more core items will be shipped, the items of limited appeal will be the first to be disappear. It seems we won't run out of food, as such, but there will be ever little choice.

And the haulage and retail industries claim there has been little engagement from the Government regarding mitigation is ignoring pings for key workers, and thanks to Adam Wagner, it would also appear that ignoring such pings and isolating might be breaking the law. And again, no clear gudance from Government on that either.

So, the seeds have been sown for a harvest that might be bitter, or barren.

We just wait.

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