Saturday 31 July 2021

Friday 30th July 2021

We have reached the end of another week. I have no idea really, other than what I write in these posts, what I did to pass the day doing, other than whatever I did, it took me all day to do it. And you can trust me when I say that I only got through it was by some advanced swearing.

What with the IT issues through the week, I had to complete the report I had been handbagging all week, well, for two days anyway, but I had to finish it and send it out by the end of the day. I was going to have to be hard on myself, not having the other laptop switched on so I wouldn't listen to podcasts or following the latest Twitter thread on whatever captured my attention.

Two hundred and eleven And for Jools, she was on the first day of her weekend, though on her day off she is more productive than I am when I'm at work. Once she left the house at quarter past six, she went to do a session of yoga, then walked along the prom before going shopping. Coming back, we had breakfast, then she was out again to go into town for a hair cut and shopping at Marks and Spencer.

Sleepyheads Back home for lunch, then out for swimming.

Meanwhile, I ate toast, drank coffee and wrote my report. It might not be much, but it pays the bills, I suppose.

I take a couple of calls, from my old minions. I still care about them, even if their new boss doesn't. They are well, but fed up.

So it goes, so it goes.

I have the new set up for work. It takes up time to put it together, but it will be better for me in the long run, we just have to find somewhere to store the screen and keyboard when its not in use. For now in a box under the stairs. Seems to work, for now.

Jen calls, as asks if we were going round ehrs for dinner: we are, I said. Which means no cooking for me.

So, after lunch Jools went swimming, and I wrapped up at work and turned the computer off, put the kettle on for a brew. And in the fridge I see that she had brought some macaroons from M&S, so once she is back, another brew and half the packet.


The days drags out, as I wait for six and the music quiz. Time comes round, and I join. Its the same people we went to see in London the other week. I have no idea of the subject this week, but its fun to play along and swap banter than thoughts on Dusty Hill from ZZ Top who died this week. Some people in the quiz are musicians and had met Dusty!

As soon as the quiz finished, we jumped in the car to Jens where she, Sylv and John were waiting. She served up honey and mustard coated pork, meatballs and spicy oven roast potatoes. I even have wine. Red Wine. Spritzer. Two of.


We then have a game of Meld, which with Sylv takes two hours, as she is a tad unorganised, and can't keep track of what she is doing. We take some of her money, all of about 50 pence.

Cardsharks It was nine, and we had an early start in the morning, so we say goodnight and we leave, driving home in almost no traffic as darkness fell.

It am the weekend.

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