Thursday 22 July 2021

Wednesday 21st July 2021

Wednesday. Still sunny and hot. Or will be once the sun rises above the yardarm. Jools now has a quieter morning, in that she doesn't leave the house until seven, due to the hours she has worked and been told to just do her contracted hours. So, she has time for a shower and water the tomatoes and so on. Two hundred and two I get up just before six and am slow to warm up and am drinking coffee as Jools goes about her stuff.

I can claim that I had a poor day at work, with four meetings and then an audit.

But at least it is July and most of Denmark is at the beach somewhere, doing what Danes do. It does mean that there are so few calls and mails. If only I could use the time wisely.

Why, Why, Why Dahlia? I have had a document to review for some time, and it raises more questions than it answers, so if I do nothing else today, I needed to finish that review. That would mean a third cup of strong coffee and some fresh raspberries from our garden for breakfast. There is also bread, so I can have a slice with butter and nutella. I know, I know. It goes well with coffee.

Whispering Grass And listening to more podcasts.

The day warms up, various cats came and went, sometimes meowing for something or the other, Well, Mulder and Scully always meows. Cleo meows when she comes in, sometimes, but mostly sits on the stairs and stares. As does Poppy, who meows very rarely, but seems to have a very posh meow. But that could be my active imagtination.

Sun There are more bagels for lunch, I split two in half, toast them and then smother with cream cheese. I could almost kid myself I was having breakfast in Dunkin Donuts, but I'm not drinking milky, over sweetened coffee from a paper cup.

Which is nice.

And then the meetings.

One on audits.

The next one, a pre-meeting meeting.

Then the actual meeting.

One on a different audit.

And then an actual audit.

I now audit factories all round the world. So far I have audited factories in Germany, Spain, Italy, China and now this is Colorado in the US. I check the map and Windsor is the other side of the freeway we took when we drove to Wyoming, and stayed in nearby Fort Collins and Loveland on the outward and then the return trip. One of the auditees lives in Loveland, and loved my accent.

Always do.

Anyway, I do things differently, and we have a good time. I get the info I need and are pleased to hear honesty from someone in a central position. I am beginning to see how I can get satisfaction in this new role.

Which would be really nice.

I am done by five, just time then to get dinner done.

I had made a ragu through the day, roasted some vegetables, and combined them. Cooked some marinaded chinese chicken and boiled some pasta. And put them all on the plate. And very, very nice it was too. Would have been nicer with a glass of red wine, but you know, gout.

I raked the glass clippings into new piles, so seeds would drop onto the ground, tomorrow I will gather them up and maybe mow the large remaining area near the raspberry canes.


We have the radio on, drink coffee, and wonder where Poppy is, I had not seen her since breakfast, but its what she does. And will appear during the night or in the morning.

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