Thursday 29 July 2021

A new front opens in the culture war

After foolishly attacking the whole of the England football team for taking a knee: gesture politics, Priti Ugly said, and then having to attack the racist comments that came after the final.

It seems that the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, a charity manned by volunteers that rescues people from the sea, is the new target.

As I understand it, and I migth be wrong, the RNLI is legally bound to rescue anyone at sea in peril. But their role in bringing mogrants to shore who had been on danger of sinking has meant that the titan of great thought that is Nigel Farage has turned his attacks on the RNLI for being a "taxi for immigrants."

So, this where we are, as a country?

Four years ago, for a few days the world was shocked at the sight of a toddler being washed up ashore in Greece. Europe saw that the waves of desperation were humans and not virmin after all. Change was promised.

All that is forgotten now.

When the UK Government blocks almost all routes to claim asylum until people have landed in the UK and then bloked almost all legal routes to get here, it is as though the preople smugglers and the Home Office are fedding off each other, and the migrants, in order to justify each other. In making it almost impossible for all bar the richest of migrants to get here legally, the rest rely on the smugglers, who the Government can then blame and use a pretex for being cruel.

This morning the donations page to the RNLI crashed due to the amount of people trying to give money.

Things is, I live a mile from the coast where these poor wretches are trying to land. A few hundred desperate people who would cost a rounding up exercise for the Government to house and educate, the same Government which has paid billions of public money to its friends and backers for endless, many times uselss, PPE.

The Government are the criminals here, but would rather you and I get angry at those with nothing, while they sell whats left of the nation's silver. Our children and grandchildren will be paying for the Tory's corruption for decades.

But let's get angry at immigration.

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