Saturday 1 June 2024

Don't mention the Brexit

We are about ten days into the election campaign. Parliament has been disolved, all are now ex-MPs or ex-Ministers. THere always has to be a PM, so Sunak is, for the time being, still Prime Minister. Other MInisters of State oversee essential functions until July 4th.

Each day sees Sunak and his Pary make error after unforced error. Today their campaign bus drove through a graveyard, previously there was the "eye-rolling" woman from the factory two days back, and at the same location, parts of the robot machine in the bacground looked rather like Micky Mouse ears, apt as that was the day he chose to attack "Micky Mouse" degrees.

And so goes on his war against Universities and further education.

In any other election, the sitting Government would be broadcasting how well its manifesto commitments went from the previous eection. The 2019 election was the Brexit election, and Sunak nor any in his party mention it. Labour don't mention it either, directly, only says it will improve relations with Europe. Anything more would enable a "Brexit front" to be opened up by Sunak and we will be back in the Remainers and Leavers camps again.

The economy is barely increasing, 0.1% this quarter, 0.3% next. Barely alive. Imports, exports are down, costs are increasing. Inflation is up, maybe not as bad as it was, but those prices have not come down, choices are being made whether to eat, heat or buy clothes.

All Sunak has that it would be worse under Labour, claiming they have no plan. They do, certainly more than 15 years of Tory rule has brought.

Despite support from most newspapers and some in the media, the Conservative vote is actually still falling. MPs are still announcing they're not standing, or will be standing, but as independants.

Each day CCHQ comes up with more bat shit policies to appeal to the right wing of the party, all the while the threat of Farrage, Tice and Reform hangs heavy, ignoring the centre, the "One Nation" conservatism that Johnson expelled in the run up to the last election.

Labour has made mistakes, mainly by trying not to make mistakes or mis-step. We shall see how the month pans out for both, but Labour at the moment looking to take over 400 seats and the Tories fewer than 60. Can't see that holding, but the polls are only getting worse for Sunak.

THis will be a "punishment" election, in which the electorate will vote against it in response to Party Gate, COVID, Johnson, and Trussenomics which increased people's mortgages by hundrds of pound each and every month.

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