Friday 7 June 2024

Wednesday 5th June 2024

Good news is that my knee is getting better, Jools is getting better. Bad news is that I turned my ankle over during the afternoon.


Other than that, it was a good day. Got lots of work done, cleared travel expenses. Again.

And generally had a good day until I went to fill the bird feeders up and twisted my foot.

There was a click, or a snap, and then there was pain.

I am now fed up and wondering if this is my life now.

I used to leap off walls and piles of bricks with no negative impacts, I now sleep funny and can't move my neck for a week.

Watch me not football I don't fee old inside, but my body, maybe.

So, there was not much doing of anything after that.

Dinner was asparagus fried in butter and a loaf, is that the right word, of cornbread, which was a tad runny and took 40 minutes to cook until it set.

But was yummy.

After that it was U17 football and to bed at twenty past eight.


So at the end of another long day at work, Jools asked if there any football on the tellybox.

One hundred and fifty sx Well, I said. Yes.

Though yes, was the Euro U17 final between Italy and Portugal, already into the second half and Italy having scored their third.

Scully and I sat on the sofa watching the game as darkness fell, she happy to have someone to sit with and cuddle up to.

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