Wednesday 5 June 2024

Tuesday 4th June 2024

I suppose I could look back at pictures of blogs about when I first sowed yellow rattle on the lawn, but maybe 8 Years ago.

I checked, and indeed was 2016 when I started the conversion.

I have learned what to do, and what not to do, and although ox-eye daisies do dominate, they do put a great show at this time of the year, swaying in the breeze and attracting insects.

Lawnmeadow So, I am also stupid. I got used to the day after going walking up downs as making my knee tendons sore, and then they settle down, that I forgot the most basic of lessons in that inflamed tendons need cooling down.

So, after another broken night's sleep, I put on an ice pack, then a cool patch, and soon things were better.

That being said, the wind was still in the north and cool, and with work to fill my day, time soon flew.

There is possible big news brewing, I won't say what it is, but hope to fill in the details soon.

The days passes slowly with six meetings through the eight hours, so little time to do actual work.

Which is nice.

Mid-week roast.

We had roast with Jen on Sunday, and we didn't eat all the meat, vegetables of gravy, so I made posh pigs in blankets, a Yorkshire pudding, a large on, and so we ate like Kings, and Queens, again.

One hundred and ffty five A roast dinner is traditional.

I guess.

I remember Mum spending all day Sunday preparing the vegetables and so on, so we could eat at two, sometimes when Dad had come back from the pub.

Like houses all over the land, roast beef, roast potatoes, Yorkshire, vegetables and gravy, all eaten to the sound of best cutlery on china plates, all washed down with Blue Nun or worse.

I steam the vegetables all together and takes 30 minutes, the roast I cook at 20min/pound and the roast takes the longest and most care, but its all pretty much done in about two hours, and once stuff is prepped there is little to do, just the knowledge to ensure all is cooked at the same time.

And enjoy.

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