Sunday 2 June 2024

Saturday 1st June 2024

It am the weekend again, after nearly a whole day back at work.

Almost like I planned it this way!

We lay in until half six, get up, feed the cats and make coffee before going to Tesco, where in a very short time spend over £225, though a good bourbon and several bottles of cider for Jools was bought.

One hundred and fifty three Jools is getting better day by day, but still not going to do much, so I spent the morning preparing and cooking a ragu. In fact, it requires for hours cooking, and by half two is a pot of Italian goodness.

Leucanthemum vulgare Jools went into town to have a haircut while I cooked and listened to Huey on the wireless.

One question Jools asks in the spring is: when does the football finish?

Truth is, it doesn't really finish.

The Championship ended four weekends ago, but then there was the play offs and the play off final, which was a week ago.

The FA Cup final was the day before the Championship play off final, also a week ago. And the Premier League ended the week before that.

The three European competitions took place the last two Wednesdays, but the final of the Champions League was on Saturday.

But have no fear, the friendlies prior to the European Championships begin on Monday, so the break will have been two days.

Double oaked We had ragu with pasta for dinner, then I settled down to watch the match, Dortmund v Real Madrid.

It was pretty good, but Dortmund missed a hatful of chances in the first half, and paid the price later in the game as Real scored two.

Oh well.

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