Monday 3 June 2024

Sunday 2nd June 2024

A day with things planned.

Up at half seven, nearly lunchtime, with only time for one coffee and breakfast before I got ready to go out.

First up was a trip to the council offices to see their Bee Orchids, but after parking and inspecting all flags, there were just two in flower. So I take shots, and then drove to Sandwich and on to the hamlet (ha) of Ham.

One hundred and fifty four It should have been so easy and enjoyable.

Go to Ham Fen at the height of spring and look for orchids, whilst others looked for signs of beavers.

OK, it wasn't sunny, nor that warm, but I had received the message that the site was wetter than normal, so wellington boots should be worn.

Malformed I have been here before, I knew better, but I would wear boots, just in case.

We met at ten, a dozen of us, ready to walk round the site. We had a brief and explanation of the history of the site, before walking into the reserve.

Coos After a while we turned off the path and walked towards the stream that the beavers had dammed and created the wetlands.

You might remember my adventures last year in the New Forest with the Bog Orchids, and me losing my shoe.

Or the time in Norfolk when I sank into the fen up to my thigh, but was rescued.

This would be worse.

Much worse.

The ground got suddenly very wet and soft, others had picked their way through, I put my right foot down, the walking pole and my left sank beyond my knee.

I was helped up, but had liquid mud up both arms and was flustered.

A few yards further on, worse was to come, my left leg sank, leaning on the walking pole, it went into the mud up to my hand, and I sank onto my left site, so covered in mud from toe to neck over half my body.

I got up, but the fun was gone, I and two friends who had come along all decided that we would turn back.

I was covered in mud, but camera was also covered in mud, I had nothing to wipe my hands on, and there was twenty yards to firm ground to go.

We made it, and as agreed went to a meeting point to wait for the others, but an hour passed and there was no sign. I was cold, muddy and just wanted to get home, so we walked to the car. I had to put Jools's yoga mad on the seat to keep the car clean, then drive the half hour home.

And once home, Jools burst out laughing at the creature from the black lagoon that stepped out of the car.


One orchid and one dragonfly seen.

Wipe out.

I take off my trousers and t shirt outside, then go straight for a shower and after, a nice change into clean clothes.

I felt somewhat human again.

Plan for the day was to cook a roast for the afternoon, Jen was coming round and I had got the last joint out of the freezer and the smaller bottle of stock to make gravy.

I began to cook at three, preparing vegetables and bringing it all together for five. Jen arrived, we had a wine and chatted before I dished up, though there was no stuffing, pigs in blankets or Yorkshire pudding.

But was still good.

After, we have a game of cards, that Jen wins, and suddenly it was half seven and the weekend gone again.

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