Wednesday 26 June 2024

Monday 24th June 2024

I audit therefore I am.

An auditor.

This week, the Gods of Audit has bestowed on me six audits to do, two each on Monday and Tuesday, and one per day on Wednesday and Thursday. And because of the time difference with CET, the morning ones each day will begin at seven.

Misty Monday Oh my.

Which means setting the alarm, and getting up at half five, which meant on Monday, coinciding with the mist rising in the Dip and so thick enough to hide the village from view.

Even worse was that it was going to be a glorious day. Glorious week in fact, and I would be inside, at the dining room table eight hours of it, not finishing until four.

One hundred and seventy six Sigh.

So, up and downing the first coffee, setting up the computer and arranging my notes to be ready for seven, and the Teams call.

Yes, it was a long morning, with an hour's break to squeeze lunch into before doing it all again in the afternoon.

It was cool inside, warm enough outside to melt cats.

Come four, and my brain was melting, no fit state to write reports or anything other than to listen to a podcast and have a brew.

As Jools was at aquafit, supper of pizza would be late, so late the only games of the day would have kicked off.

I watched Croatia v Italy, with Croatia leading until the 99th minute and second place in the group, but Italy levelled with just about their only shot, the las kick if the game.

Croatia out, and players collapsed in tears on the pitch.

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